
How Long Should You Run Filter After Shocking Pool

An often overlooked attribute for many pool owners is how long to run your puddle filter after shocking your pool. Information technology is a question a lot of pool owners take and a question that nosotros take the answer to!

A puddle filter should be run for a minimum of half dozen hours after shocking a swimming pool. This is to allow the filter to clean the water and give the shock plenty fourth dimension to fully mix with the puddle water. Running the filter later on shocking for 24 hours to 7 days is necessary if the pool has a large amount of algae.

Keep reading to find out why running your pool filter is and then important afterward shocking, and how sure situations can alter how long you will need to continue your filter running after shocking your puddle.

Swimming Pool Equipment System
Swimming Pool Equipment System

Why Run Pool Filter After Shocking

Running your pool filter and pump afterwards shocking is an essential stride in keeping your puddle looking neat.

The pump and filter need to be run for two reasons:

  1. Circulate and distribute the puddle shock
  2. Clean and filter the pool'due south water

Allowing a minimum of half-dozen hours volition accept care of the apportionment of the shock and should distribute it evenly throughout the pool.

If y'all're looking for pool shock, check out this one here:

DryTec Calcium Hypochlorite Chlorine Shock Treatment
DryTec Calcium Hypochlorite Chlorine Shock Treatment

Click hither to check price>>

The cleaning and filtering of the water has a variable fourth dimension and will depend on how dirty or how much algae your pool has.

But commencement…

What if the Pump Isn't Run Long Plenty?

Here'south what happens if you don't run your pump long enough after shocking:

  • The shock will not mix properly with all the water
  • Cloudy or milky pool water
  • Green pool (if yous have algae)
  • Increase chances of recurring algae

Failing to properly run your pool filter after shocking volition upshot in the added chlorine not existence able to broadcast around your puddle.

When the chlorine cannot circulate effectually the puddle, it cannot do its job. If the chlorine isn't circulated, it won't exist able to disinfect all the water and your pool may remain cloudy or full of bacteria.

In addition, chlorine that sits for also long in 1 area could result in staining of your pool surfaces, and nobody wants that.

If you lot don't properly run your pool filter after shocking, not merely could staining and failure to sanitize occur, the dead algae and other leaner and debris won't exist filtered out of your water.

Anything that is in the pool when shocked volition remain in the pool until it is filtered out and fully sanitized. And if information technology isn't filtered out you will have a cloudy pool and potential food for bacteria and algae.

How to Know How Long to Run Your Pool Pump Later on Shocking?

The time y'all run your pool filter and pump after shocking depends more often than not on the level of algae or dirtiness of the pool'due south water. The dirtier the pool, the longer you'll demand to run the filter for.

Filtering for long enough plays a major office in getting your pool water clear. The chemic residual is simply as of import.

The all-time way to know if you've run the filter long plenty is to keep an eye on the pool to meet how the water is looking. It will outset looking clear once more when you have filtered it sufficiently.

To give you a guide though, check out this chart.

Algae Color Filter Run Time After Shocking
Low-cal Green 24-48 hours
Dark Green Several Days (24 hrs per mean solar day)
Black Green Upwards to a week (24 hrs per mean solar day)
Chart shows how long to run puddle filter after shocking.

Which Filter Setting to Use Afterward Shocking

Now you know how long to run your filter for, you should likewise know which filter setting to use later shocking your puddle.

The Filter setting is the best setting or filter position to employ afterwards shocking your pool. You may as well use the Recirculate setting on your filter.

Diagram showing a Hayward multiport pool filter valve
Select the Filter setting later on shocking your pool.

The Filter setting is the filter position you normally use every day. When shocking and running on Filter, algae or debris in the water volition pass through the filter and get caught. Equally a result, you may demand to clean your pool filter every twenty-four hours or and so, particularly if yous have a lot of algae.

For extra articulate water, y'all may afterward choose to use a clarifier afterwards yous've finished the shock handling. Clarifier volition clump together pocket-size particles, which makes them easier to filter resulting in clear water.

Should You Use "Recirculate" Filter Setting Subsequently Shocking?

Yous could also run your filter on Recirculate. Doing this bypasses your filter and will quickly and efficiently circulate the chlorine throughout the entire pool.

Recirculate is great to use when there are large amounts of debris or algae that could clog your filter quickly if they are passed through. Recirculate volition allow the shock to mix chop-chop and starting time working.

Be aware when using the Recirculate setting, the pool won't exist filtering out debris and algae, so it volition remain in the water and on the lesser of your pool until you filter or backwash it away.

recirculate setting
The Recirculate setting bypasses the pool'due south filter.

Then really, only employ this setting to circulate and thoroughly mix the pool shock (almost half dozen hours). And then switch to the filter position to filter out the debris and start clearing upwardly the pool water.

Should Yous Clean the Filter or Backwash After Shocking?

You may need to clean your pool filter or backwash if there is algae or your pool is peculiarly dirty.

Afterwards shocking it is a proficient idea to brush the sides of the pool and vacuum as much algae and debris as yous can.

When vacuuming your pool, vacuuming should be done to waste to not allow the dirt and algae to sit in your filter. Sometimes this isn't possible or information technology is merely hard to get all of it to waste material.

A high quality clarifier can be used to make particles larger and easier for the filter to handle.

Check out this clarifier here:

HTH 67023 Super Clarifier Swimming Pool Cleaner
HTH 67023 Super Clarifier Pond Pool Cleaner

Click here to check price>>

One time the algae and debris are all gone after brushing and vacuuming, you should clean or backwash your filter to get information technology running at ideal performance.

Why You lot Should Shock Your Pool

Pools get a lot of use during peak times of the year, and along with swimmers comes contaminants.

When a steady flow of swimmers is coming through your pool, sweat, sunscreen, and bacteria become present. Shocking is an important step in removing these from your pool.

In addition to bacteria from swimmers, ecology factors such equally rain and droppings can cause bacteria and algae growth within your pool that will need to be removed by shocking.

How to Shock Your Puddle

Shocking your pool is unproblematic and can be accomplished rather quickly.

When shocking your pool, you should get-go mix your shock into a bucket of h2o to dissolve it.

One time dissolved, pour the stupor into your pool as you walk effectually the perimeter. Brand certain to evenly distribute the shock the best you can.

If algae is nowadays in your pool, it will plough gray or white when the chlorine has done its job. If the algae is still nowadays later 48 hours, y'all can shock again.

For a full guide on shocking your pool, check out our article:
How To Shock A Swimming Pool For Beginners (In 6 Easy Steps)

Final Thoughts

Running your filter after shocking your pool is a must and is merely as important to your puddle as shocking it is.

Be sure to run your filter for at least half dozen hours, but shoot for 24 hours to several days, if your pool is peculiarly dirty or has algae, to properly broadcast the chlorine and clean the water.

How Long Should You Run Filter After Shocking Pool,


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